Skin Consultation & Treatment Plan

Here at Silk Space, we are Specialised Skin Therapists with a focus on advanced and results driven skin treatments. To begin your skin journey, ensure that we can provide the most effective treatment we must first complete a Skin Consultation and Treatment Plan service.
The consultation and treatment plan process is more beneficial for YOU than it is for us. We have designed this service to not only allow us to provide the best treatments, but as an educational opportunity. We impart all of our knowledge and expertise that could help you understand what is happening with your skin and how YOU can improve it.
The consultation process takes between 30-45mins in-clinic with you, and a further 45minutes after your treatment to write up your detailed treatment plan.
Our Acne Skin Consultation and Treatment Plan service takes approximately 60 minutes and includes a more thorough deep dive into aspects your your health, lifestyle and skin care that can cause and trigger acne. We also include alongside your treatment plan, a 30 page E-Book 'The Ultimate Acne Guide' to arm you with all the information necessary to improving acne
Skin Consultation and Treatment Plan (30-45mins) $75
Acne Skin Consultation and Treatment Plan (60mins) $100
(both services are available to book via our online booking calendar)

Skin Consultation & Treatment Plan Process


New client form and skin consultation

 First you will fill out a basic health and safety form that asks questions about age, health conditions, allergies and medication to ensure you are safe and suitable for treatment.



Skin consultation

One of our qualified and specialised Skin Therapists will then ask detailed questions about your skin condition and concerns, skin health, skin care products, genetic factors, hormonal factors and lifestyle factors (like diet, stress, sleep, job, exercise, water consumption, outdoor habits/sun habits) to get a better understanding of what may be causing your skin concerns.



Skin consultation and analysis

One of our qualified and specialised Skin Therapists will physical assess and diagnose your skin. We will look at your skin concerns, test your skin condition and barrier function. We are looking for markers like sensitivity, vascularity, hydration levels, keratinisation and skin thickness, lipid production, hyperpigmentation, ageing, pores, possible rosacea or acne.



Skin consultation and treatment plan

From here one of our qualified and specialised Skin Therapists will develop a detailed treatment plan for you. We will curate tips and tricks, lifestyle recommendations, product recommendations and in-clinic treatments targeted to improving your skin concerns. This is emailed to you in PDF format.


 Book in a Skin Consultation and Treatment Plan service with one of your specialists via the booking calendar listed at the top of your website 'BOOK NOW'.